ABSL-3 animal rooms

The ABSL-3 animal rooms are equipped with negative pressure IsoCage N - Biocontainment System to protect workers from experimentally-infected animals and protect animals from contamination or cross-contamination of animals held in the cages. The cages can be used for rodents such as mice, rats and hamsters. All animal procedures are conducted inside the biosafety cabinets located in the ABSL-3 rooms. The unit is equipped with an advanced IVIS Lumina animal imaging setup. See below for more details. 




IsoCage N - Biocontainment System


ISOcage N system has been designed to achieve the safety and protection of an isolator coupled with the advantages of an individual ventilated cages (IVC), in terms of ergonomics, flexibility and density. ISOcage N is an isolator at cage level that allows the carrying out of multiple studies on the same rack, providing strong Biocontainment for maximum personnel protection.


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PerkinElmer, IVIS® Lumina X5 Imaging System

The IVIS Lumina X5 high-throughput 2D optical imaging system combines high-sensitivity bioluminescence, fluorescence and high-resolution X-ray for animals imaging.

Key Features:
  • High throughput (5 mouse) optical and X-ray
  • High resolution, low dose X-ray with optical overlay
  • Supports mouse and rat imaging
  • Compute Pure Spectrum (CPS) spectral unmixing
  • Full fluorescence tunability through the NIR spectrum
  • Unique accessories to streamline workflow, data acquisition and analysis

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The SomnoFlo® is a compact, standalone vaporizer that uses either ambient air with an internal air pump or compressed gas. It delivers only the quantity of anesthetic required by the animal according to its weight with flows as low as 0.1 LPM.

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